Carlos videoer

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Lær at danse tango fra én af dens store maestros Carlos Perez og hans kone Rosa Forte. 

Sammen har de uddannet flere vindere af Verdensmesterskaberne i tango. Carlos og Rosa er repræsentanter for tangoen, som de dansede den i 1950’erne, hvor Carlos var én af de unge optrædende virtuoser. 
Dette er en uvurderlig skat og kilde til at forstå mere om tango salonen både for nybegyndere og træende, der ønsker en større forståelse og viden om den gamle dans.

De små korte videoer er optaget under pandemien med meget simpel teknik, og er et kig ind i Carlos og Rosas eget tangounivers, hjemme hos dem selv, hvor de har undervist og stadig underviser folk fra hele verden. 

Hver video indeholder en lille undervisningsdel og flere af dem afsluttes med eksempler på Carlos og Rosas dans fra optagelser af deres optræder. 

Learn to dance tango from one of the great maestros, Carlos Perez and his wife Rosa Forte.

Together, Carlos and Rosa have trained several winners in the World Championships in Tango.
They are reoresentatives of the tango of the 1950s, when Carlos first preformed as a young virtuoso. A treasure chest of knowledge about Tango Salon, they are an invaluable source of information for both new and experienced dancers who want to explore this old style.

These short, simple videos were recorded during the pandemic. They are a window into Carlos and Rosa’s tango universe, filmed in their home, where they have taught, and still teach, people from all over the world.

Each video contains a short tango lesson, and several ends with recordings from Carlos and Rosa’s performances. 

The basic step, the walk and the embrace

Forward and backward ochos, and how to lead them

Turns to the left
Turns to the right

The different possibilities for the leader

Combination steps

Walking variations

Figures with barridas

Walking turns and a ‘cambio del frente’ 
(change of direction)

Figures with turns

A truning figure and small sequence

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Daglig leder af Tango Bar:

Linus Aabye
Tlf. 27 11 24 10

Ansvarlig for ’Lille sal’:

Myeonghwa Song

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